Orthopedic 3-day Workshop
Presented by Spiros Dimitrakoulas
Hosted by Joan Moore and Mary Littlewood
Phone 01-8329645 or 0870909300
Venue Walmer College and Holistic Centre
1st floor River House
Raheny Shopping Centre
Countdown To Workshop
Orthopedic is a compound word made up from the Greek word
“Ortho” = to stand and the ancient Greek word “Pedis” which can also mean “to bind” …….. The feet in our case.
Spiros will show you how Hippocrates (Father of modern medicine) teaches us to bind the feet, loosening here-tightening there, in order for someone to stand straight up, to have autonomy and wellbeing, thus health!
This 3-day workshop will cover the anatomy and physiology of the lower leg in great detail to teach a thorough understanding, and the techniques for each structure.
Spiros taught his highly informative and hands – on course in Walmer College last March, which was a huge success and participants learned lots of wonderful techniques to add to their existing skills (check Walmer College website for testimonials).
Joan and I feel very privileged and delighted to offer this inspirational and motivational course again in Ireland. This course is suitable for all reflexologists especially for those who are or would like to treat sport injuries alongside their current services.
To assist athletes with maintaining optimum health and fitness, and any other problems of posture, gait, foot and leg pain, and to understand structural disorders in adults and children. The protocol to utilise Spiros’s specific techniques to relieve discomfort and improve overall wellbeing with all age groups.
Extremely beneficial for working with elderly clients as Spiros has extensive experience working with this group.
Places are limited so for more details and to reserve your place please email joansbeauty@live.ie or mtelittlewood@gmail.com
Phone 01-8329645 or 0870909300.
Walmer College FB page or Balance & Harmony School of Reflexology FB page.